Here are our 5 freeware recommended that you can use to edit your photos as a replacement for photoshop
1. GIMP, GNU licensed editing application
2. PAINT.NET Photo Digital EditorSince 2005, the GIMP was introduced as an application that are used to edit images. Now the application is already available for platforms such as Windows, MAC, and some versions of Linux.
In short, the leniency application GIMP offers to make changes to the world of digital photos, manipulate graphics and create your own graphics from scratch. Using common tools such as painbrush, pencils and cloning, in which the application can actually compared with rivals like Adobe Photoshop and Paintshop Pro. In the full version of Windows in general, obtained several distinct features that separate the functions of GIMP and its tools. GIMP offers a convenient way to work with charts and stay focused on your desktop.
For more details, can download GIMP 2.6 for Windows click here
As for the other versions and platforms, click here
3. Artweaver das Deautsche CreativeAnother freeware application is, based windows (windows only). uses full-size windows with the same type of windows. More broadly and highly customizable layout. This course will provide its own ideas for optimizations you want.
The downside to this install, always need an update version of the. Net Framework by Microsoft (if not one with SP1 v3.5)
To try it, please download click here
4. Photoshop Express, Free Web-based editing applicationsArtweaver is one creative application with many options how to edit or create graphics to be good. Options such as a different canvas style, standard effects such as sharpen, blur and emboss which offers a nice pen tablet support. Of course, the ability to work with layers is also shown.
It looks just like himself and other graphical display. And if you want to try this application, download Artweaver 0:57 for windows here.
5. Aviary, Vector editing outstanding applicationsAdobe clearly understands well and allow you to test this system without the need to register or log-in again. You're curious? Please try Photoshop Express here.
One disadvantage of this application is you can not use layers to edit an image you out a bit more professional. But that's okay, because even so, an important application 2Gbyte offer free hosting for you to edit images. File Storage big enough right?
Different categories with the previous editing application, of course this one application will be very enjoyable and rewarding. Especially for those who do not want to install the application editing as described earlier. The online version of Adobe Photoshop offers you the ability to upload a photo and edit it as desired. The surplus is a better lighting and shadows, or other tools with great special effects. Photoshop Express is an incredible tool.
So, what are you waiting for, please try it if you are really interested in your graphic creation. Who knows, any time you will need this tool in a time of urgency, right?For those who are lovers of vector images, maybe this is a tempting solution to create a graph.
Vectors basically means your creation is not based on pixels, but the equation variable. Because it can make something small and then size down and to the top without losing any detail. If you want to do this on a regular basis to a JPG image, it will acquire all of the view that vague and unclear, especially when the image into the text smaller.
So here, this tool is almost the same as Adobe Illustrator. According to its inventor, Raven vectors only maker of online tools for free on the internet. So, maybe it's time you and your vector creation can instantly share them online with your colleagues. Interested. Please try Aviary Raven here.